Wednesday, November 18, 2009

The Weather...Things to do in 105 degrees

Yesterday when I woke up it was 71F. The weather channel predicted 101F. I geared up, or should I say down and waited. The thing is you can't be in the sun for longer than 5 or 10 miutes before you feel as if you are being cooked from the inside out. Like in a microwave or a slow boiling pot...minus the water. The Australian Government came up with a alliterated health slogan to help you remember the dangers of the heat (like we needed a reminder!) : Slip Slop Slap..Slip on a shirt, Slop on sunscreen, Slap on a Hat....quite charming, isn't it? Go anywhere, and the kids will be chanting it. Whom, by the way, all have to wear hats as part of their school uniform!

Anyway, by noon it had only reached 78F. I decide to run an errand. When I say "run" an errand, I do mean walk. I am definitely getting my exercise here if I just cut back on the dim sim or yum cha as they call it here (dim sum in the States). I slipped, slopped, and slapped (as if not wearing a shirt ws an option, I thougth about it!) Walking back from my errand I slowly begin to feel that inner boiling from the heat. I get back to the apt and find that it is only 84F. It is only 2pm.

I keep the weather channel temp on my tool bar of my laptop. I happened to glance down and guess what 87F. Less than 30 minutes later it was 97F. Whaaaat? In this heat, the only thing to do is nap. So, after a short nap of about an hour, I get up and guess what it is 81F. It is now 4pm. A slight drizzle begins. Tony and I set off to walk to dinner to meet his work companions that are all heading back to the States this guessed it. The temp has now dropped to the low 70s. It is mind boggling!
Today, they are predicting 105F....yea, we shall see! I woke up and it was 64F. Regardless, I will continue slipping, slopping, and slapping! You don't have to tell me twice! I have to keep reminding myself, we are in and on the edge of a desert!
PS Since the start of writing this blog the temp has risen 8 degrees...just extraordinary!

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